Bargain abroad? Spaanse tweede woningen veel goedkoper dankzij de wisselkoers Taylor Wimpey España heeft beweerd dat het mogelijk is om een appartement met twee slaapkamers en twee badkamers voor £160.173 (plus btw) in Spanje aan te schaffen – in sterk contrast met de stijgende prijzen en de toenemende kosten van levensonderhoud die momenteel in het […]
General @nl
Spanje schittert als Europa’s ideale duurzame reisbestemming
Spanje schittert als Europa’s ideale duurzame reis- en tweede woningbestemming Lonely Planet heeft Spanje onlangs gerangschikt als een van de tien beste bestemmingen ter wereld voor duurzaam reizen, als onderdeel van de Best in Travel 2024. Het land’s toewijding aan biodiversiteit en het feit dat “nieuwe fietspaden, elektrische bussen en treinroutes vluchtvrije manieren bieden om […]
“Sea” Ontwikkeling Gelanceerd
Toonaangevende Spaanse woningontwikkelaar Taylor Wimpey España heeft een nieuwe ontwikkeling gelanceerd – genaamd Mare – op slechts vier minuten lopen van de zeedijk in Marbella. De lancering komt op het moment dat het bedrijf bekend maakt dat bijna alle woningen in haar naburige ontwikkeling Terra binnen negen maanden zijn verkocht. De zonovergoten mix van stranden, […]
Taylor Wimpey España lanceert nieuwe ontwikkeling in Marbella
Taylor Wimpey España lanceert Mare, een nieuwe ontwikkeling in Marbella als reactie op de sterke vraag Toonaangevende Spaanse woningontwikkelaar Taylor Wimpey España heeft Mare gelanceerd, een nieuwe ontwikkeling dicht bij de zeedijk in Marbella. De nieuwe Mare-ontwikkeling (“mare” betekent “zee” in het Latijn) ligt in San Pedro de Alcántara, dicht bij het strand en op […]
Septemberzon in Spanje: eigenaren van tweede woningen slaan de golfbaan op
Spanje verwelkomde in juli 2023 een recordaantal van 10,1 miljoen bezoekers, volgens het Spaanse Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek (INE). Het aantal bezoekers steeg met 11,4% vergeleken met juli 2022, terwijl het toeristische uitgaven met 16,4% stegen. Deze cijfers betekenen dat er in 2023 tot nu toe 47,6 miljoen buitenlandse toeristen naar Spanje zijn gekomen, met […]
Magisch Mallorca zal bezoekers deze herfst betoveren
Magisch Mallorca zal bezoekers deze herfst betoveren nu de zomerse drukte afneemt Van rustige straatjes in Palma tot stranden waar bijna niemand te vinden is, Mallorca krijgt een magische sereniteit zodra de herfst aanbreekt. Voor eigenaren van tweede woningen kan het de ideale tijd zijn om te genieten van het zonnetje en de natuur van […]
Britse honger naar tweede woningen in Spanje groeit in de zomermaanden
Van vakantiezoektochten tot tweede woningen, Spanje wint momenteel groot in het aantrekken van de gunst van Britten. Het aantal bezoekers stijgt, waarbij het nationale statistiekbureau van Spanje (INE) meer dan 1,82 miljoen Britse bezoekers registreerde in mei 2023 (vergeleken met 1,65 miljoen in mei 2022). Dit plaatst Britten als de grootste internationale bezoekersgroep van Spanje, […]
Waarom je Mallorca zou moeten bezoeken
Mallorca (naast Menorca) is uitgeroepen tot de populairste Europese bestemming voor Britse reizigers deze zomer, op basis van hotelzoekgegevens van Expedia. Wat maakt dit majestueuze eiland zo blijvend populair bij vakantiegangers? Natuur—in elke vorm Bergen, valleien, prachtige stranden… als je van het gevoel houdt één te zijn met de natuur, dan is Mallorca de plek […]
Vakantiegangers die showhomes in Spanje bezichtigen
Showhomes in Spanje: “Steady stream” van vakantiegangers die dit zomer bezichtigen Voor sommige vakantiegangers is een reis naar Spanje het begin van een langdurige relatie met het land. De Sales en Marketing Director van de toonaangevende Spaanse woningbouwer Taylor Wimpey España merkt op: “Veel van onze kopers combineren hun eerste bezichtiging van een showhome met […]
Duurzame benadering van tweede woningen in Spanje
Een duurzamere benadering van tweede woningen in Spanje De Spaanse woningbouwer richt zich op het kiezen van natuurlijke materialen en het prioriteren van producten van lokale leveranciers, in antwoord op de toenemende vraag naar duurzame tweede woningen. Duurzaamheid is een belangrijke zorg voor een groeiend aantal vakantiehuisbezitters, volgens de Spaanse woningbouwer Taylor Wimpey España. Met […]
Leven aan de Costa del Sol
Huizenkopers wanhopig om aan de Costa del Sol te wonen De wens om in de Costa del Sol van Spanje te wonen, lijkt nieuwe hoogtes te hebben bereikt met een enorme stijging van de verkoop van off-plan woningen. Volgens informatie van ontwikkelaar Taylor Wimpey Spanje op woensdag 19 juli, hebben meer dan 30 nationaliteiten, waaronder […]
Vakantiegangers bekijken showhomes in Spanje
“Stabiele stroom” van vakantiegangers die showhomes in Spanje bekijken deze zomer Voor sommige vakantiegangers is een reis naar Spanje het begin van een langdurige relatie met het land. De Sales and Marketing Director van de toonaangevende Spaanse woningbouwer Taylor Wimpey España merkt op: “Veel van onze kopers combineren hun eerste bezichtiging van een showhome met […]
Waarom je de Costa Blanca-kustlijn van Spanje moet verkennen
Van het bruisende Alicante en de luxe villa’s van Gran Alacant tot het prachtige strand van Jávea, hier is waarom je de Costa Blanca-kustlijn van Spanje moet ervaren. Van Gandia in het noorden van de regio tot Torrevieja in het zuiden, de Costa Blanca is doordrenkt van prachtige stranden, charmante stadjes en een heleboel recreatieve […]
A-rated tweede woningen in Spanje
Toenemende vraag naar duurzame woningen Aerothermische energie, waterbesparende maatregelen en lokale, natuurlijke materialen zijn de sleutelcomponenten bij het bouwen van duurzame woningen in Spanje, volgens de toonaangevende woningbouwonderneming Taylor Wimpey España. Het bedrijf toont drie voorbeelden van tweede woningen die aan deze ecovriendelijke normen voldoen in de Costa del Sol, Mallorca en de Costa Blanca. […]
Wat kun je kopen voor een half miljoen pond in Spanje?
Zomer is het hoogseizoen voor bedrijven die vakantiehuizen in het buitenland verkopen. Terwijl vakantiegangers in juli en augustus tijd doorbrengen in het buitenland, overwegen velen de aankoop van een woning in hun favoriete bestemming. Van de buitenlandse kopers die daadwerkelijk een woning in Spanje kopen, besteedt één op de tien meer dan €500.000, volgens het […]
Waar koop je je droom vakantiehuis in Spanje?
De Britse liefde voor Spanje blijft bestaan, ondanks de Brexit. De zonovergoten kusten blijven onze favoriete bestemming voor een actieve levensstijl, of je nu op zoek bent naar rust of wilt feesten tot in de warme nacht. Britse kopers kochten in 2022 bijna 10.000 woningen, volgens de Registradores (het Spaanse kadaster), en in het eerste […]
De voordelen van het kopen van duurzame tweede woningen aan de Costa del Sol
De Costa del Sol verwelkomde in 2022 meer dan 12,4 miljoen bezoekers, terwijl toeristen naar de regio stroomden om te genieten van de stranden, golfbanen, het rijke culturele leven en natuurlijk de overvloedige zonneschijn. Velen van degenen die regelmatig bezoeken, kopen vakantiehuizen in de regio. Nu presenteert de toonaangevende Spaanse woningbouwer Taylor Wimpey España hen […]
Strand: levenslange voordelen voor mentaal welzijn
Mentaal welzijn door de zee: Tijd aan zee tijdens de jeugd = beter mentaal welzijn in de volwassenheid (ECEHH) Meren, rivieren en andere blauwe ruimtes dragen ook bij aan gezondheid en welzijn Kopers van Taylor Wimpey España profiteren van zonneschijn en blauwe ruimtes Elke ouder wil het beste voor hun kinderen, ook wat betreft hun […]
Ontdek Mallorca
Mallorca heeft recentelijk in de schijnwerpers gestaan, met Nicole Kidman die een reeks foto’s op haar Instagram plaatste, waarop de schoonheid van het eiland te zien was. Collega-celebrities Michelle Pfeiffer en Reese Witherspoon reageerden snel met opmerkingen over hoe “mooi” en “geweldig” het eiland eruitzag. Nu heeft het budgetreisbedrijf Jet2 Mallorca toegankelijk gemaakt voor degenen […]
Hogares sostenibles Costa Blanca Spanje
De kwestie van duurzaamheid speelt een steeds grotere rol bij de overwegingen van kopers van tweede woningen, volgens de toonaangevende Spaanse vastgoedontwikkelaar Taylor Wimpey España. Het bedrijf, altijd vooruitstrevend als het gaat om het anticiperen op de vraag van klanten, heeft een reeks energiezuinige en andere milieuvriendelijke maatregelen geïmplementeerd in de ontwikkelingen die het bouwt. […]
Taylor Wimpey: A-rated sustainable homes
Sustainable homes Sustainability and eco-friendliness are top concerns for an increasing number of holiday home buyers, according to leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España. With this in mind, the firm is showcasing three different takes on building second homes sustainably, in the Costa del Sol, Mallorca and Costa Blanca. Sales and Marketing Director Marc Pritchard […]
View a show home while on holiday
View Show Home: How to get the best out of viewing a show home while on holiday. With many holidaymakers planning to view show homes when they travel overseas this summer, leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España has shared some top tips on how to get the best out of such viewings. “Viewing a […]
Buying Property In Spain, Viewing Show Homes
Buying Property In Spain: Taylor Wimpey España, offering top tips for holidaymakers seeking second homes overseas. ‘With many holidaymakers planning to view show homes when they travel overseas this summer, leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España has shared some top tips on how to get the best out of such viewings. Viewing a show […]
TWE celebrates selling homes on the Costa del Sol
Taylor Wimpey España celebrates selling more than 2,500 second homes on the Costa del Sol As Spain’s Costa del Sol prepares to welcome another influx of tourists over the summer season, leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España has revealed that it has sold more than 2,500 homes in the region since the company was […]
World-class golf resorts drive home ownership
Golf resorts and new homes in Spain A study by IE University and the Spanish Golf Courses Association has shown that golf tourists have invested €4.2 billion in Spanish property, purchasing more than 280,000 homes. Britons top the list of foreigners taking to the fairways in Spain, while Irish golfers are the ones who spend […]
THE LURE OF THE COSTA DEL SOL Spain is home to huge regional variety. In this recent interview, Marc Pritchard, Director of Sales and Marketing at Taylor Wimpey España, shares his insights into one of the country’s most popular destinations – the Costa del Sol. Which areas of Spain are particularly attractive to Polish second home […]
Going off the beaten track … to residences Istán
Residences Istán: Going off the beaten track … to Istán Foreigners’ appetite for property in Spain shot back up in 2022, hitting 13.75% of all home purchases in the country, according to the Colegio Registradores. The figure marks an increase of 2.95% over 2021 and breaks a five-year trend of foreigners making up a falling […]
Spain, country with top award-winning beaches
Spain award beaches: the country with the most award-winning beaches in Europe THE EUROPEAN country with the highest number of Blue Flag beaches has been revealed. It’s good news for Brits, as it’s one of the closest countries to the UK and one of our favourite holiday destinations. Spain has kept its title as the […]
Spain golf holiday destination
Spain stars as Europe’s budget-friendly golf holiday destination Families seeking a budget-friendly golf holiday destination to enjoy this year are setting their sights on Spain. Tourist arrivals in February were up by 35.9% year-on-year, with 4.32 arrivals during the month, according to the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE). Arrivals from the UK were up by […]
Golf Property News
Golf property News: Taylor Wimpey España and La Cala Resort celebrate joint venture renewal Leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España and La Cala Golf Resort are celebrating the renewal of their joint venture, which has already led to the construction of more than 400 homes in Spain’s Costa del Sol region. La Cala Resort hosted a cocktail reception […]
Taylor Wimpey España and La Cala Resort celebrate joint venture renewal
Leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España and La Cala Golf Resort are celebrating the renewal of their joint venture, which has already led to the construction of more than 400 homes in Spain’s Costa del Sol region. La Cala Resort hosted a cocktail reception on March 31 to celebrate the enduring partnership, with the Mayor of Mijas […]
Taylor Wimpey España and La Cala Resort celebrate joint venture renewal
Plans in place for more than 600 additional homes at La Cala Mayor of Mijas to attend a reception to celebrate the renewed partnership Taylor Wimpey España has already generated sales revenue of over €150 million at La Cala Leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España and the prestigious La Cala Golf Resort are celebrating the renewal […]
Taylor Wimpey and La Cala Resort celebration
Taylor Wimpey España and La Cala Resort celebration: joint venture renewal Plans in place for more than 600 additional homes at La Cala Mayor of Mijas to attend a reception to celebrate the renewed partnership Taylor Wimpey España has already generated sales revenue of over €150 million at La Cala Leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey […]
Costa Blanca or the Costa del Sol this Summer?
Battle of the Costas… Should You Head to the Costa Blanca or the Costa del Sol this Summer? The Spanish Costas deliver sunshine, beaches and relaxation aplenty. But if you’re heading to Spain this summer, should you set your sights on the Costa Blanca or the Costa del Sol. The Spanish Costas deliver sunshine, beaches […]
Spain 2nd most attractive property destination
Spain named 2nd most attractive property destination in world for international investors Knight Frank Wealth Report highlights Spain’s international appeal The report coincides with Taylor Wimpey España’s investment of €35 million in 2 new developments Homes at La Mar and Breeze are due for completion in 2025 The latest Knight Frank Wealth Report has named […]
Beach can deliver lifelong mental benefits
How days on the beach can deliver lifelong mental wellbeing benefits Time by the sea during childhood = better mental health in adulthood (ECEHH) Lakes, rivers and other blue spaces also contribute to health and wellbeing Taylor Wimpey España buyers benefit from sunshine as well as blue spaces Every parent wants to do the best […]
Is it time to discover Mallorca?
Is it time to discover Mallorca? By Marc Pritchard, Sales and Marketing Director at Taylor Wimpey España and decades-long Mallorca resident. Mallorca has been in the spotlight recently, with Nicole Kidman posting a series of images on her Instagram, showcasing the island’s beauty. Fellow celebs Michelle Pfeiffer and Reese Witherspoon were quick to comment on […]
‘Digital nomads’ can now live in Spain
‘Digital nomads’ can now live in Spain with their families — if they earn enough Hopping between tapas bars in Madrid, gorging on art and culture in Barcelona or simply soaking up the sun in the Canary Islands. For most people, those beat awkward conversations by the water cooler in a lonely suburban office park. […]
MALLORCA’S CELEBRITY CONNECTIONS Nicole Kidman’s Instagram feed was bursting with stunning pictures of Mallorca earlier this month, as the superstar enjoyed a break in the Balearics. Captioning her pics with “Loving Mallorca” and “Beautiful Mallorca,” Kidman was clearly wowed by the island’s charms. And she is far from the first celebrity to fall in love […]
Marbella looks forward to a bumper 2023
Marbella looks forward to a bumper 2023, with visitors staying longer and spending more From hoteliers to home builders to tourism professionals, there are plenty of people projecting a bumper summer for Marbella this year. The city, which is a popular destination for luxury breaks, has already recovered its hotel occupancy to 2019 levels. Now, […]
Costa del Sol: golf destination
Costa del Sol shines as Europe’s winning golf destination Golfing hotspots don’t come much better than Spain’s Costa del Sol – or the Costa del Golf, as many players refer to it. Players have been flocking to the area’s sun-kissed fairways for nearly a century after the Real Club de Campo opened its doors in […]
Taylor Wimpey home completions jump 77%
Firm completed 381 homes in Spain in 2022 – up 77% from 2021 Average selling price for 2022 was €383k Cost of living in Spain is now 17.3% cheaper than in UK (Numbeo) Leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España completed 381 homes during 2022, across locations including the Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca, Mallorca and Ibiza. […]
New 2023 show homes revealed
Only 2 key-ready Taylor Wimpey España homes available, as new 2023 show homes revealed Taylor Wimpey España follows bumper 2022 with new show homes for 2023 All developments will host personal and virtual visits Britons remain top foreign buyers of Spanish property (Colegio Registradores) Property sales in 2022 were so strong that leading Spanish home builder Taylor […]
Only 2 key-ready Taylor Wimpey homes available
Only 2 key-ready Taylor Wimpey España homes available, as new 2023 show homes revealed Taylor Wimpey España follows bumper 2022 with new show homes for 2023 All developments will host personal and virtual visits Britons remain top foreign buyers of Spanish property (Colegio Registradores) Property sales in 2022 were so strong that leading Spanish home […]
Energy nomads start eyeing up the Costa Blanca
As digital nomads wait visa implementation energy nomads start eyeing up the Costa Blanca Spain’s much-anticipated digital nomad visa, plans for which were first announced in January 2022, is rumoured to be introduced in early 2023. The draft proposal provides non-EU citizens with the chance to live in Spain for up to five years […]
Taylor Wimpey launches 14 new developments
New homes: Taylor Wimpey España launches 14 new developments in 2022, with 9 more planned for 2023 Leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España has reported growth in property reservations during 2022, after launching 14 new developments during the year, with a value of over €150 million. As the firm heads into 2023, when it […]
Second home: Spanish Christmas traditions
Second home ownership lets families enjoy Spanish Christmas traditions Processions, nativity scenes, feasting and lucky grapes all essential during the festive season Magical lighting displays draw visitors to cities across Spain Taylor Wimpey España has sold homes to buyers of 38 nationalities during 2022 Leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España has reported growth in property reservations […]
Second home buyers Spain: The southernmost of peninsular Spain’s autonomous communities, Andalusia is a sun-drenched region that encompasses huge stretches of coastline, including the Costa del Sol, Costa de la Luz and Costa Tropical. It is a favourite holiday destination with travellers from around the world, many of whom have taken advantage of Spain’s relatively […]
La Cala unveils plans for new property development
Leading property developer Taylor Wimpey is to invest over €16 million into the first phase of a new 48-home property development at La Cala Resort in Andalusia, Spain. Located next to the 9th hole of the resort’s America course, the Solana Village development will host a variety of two- and three-bedroom apartments, penthouses and duplexes. […]
Energy and digital nomads both set sights on Spain
Energy nomads and digital nomads both set sights on southern Spain High energy costs and looming supply disruption push people towards warmer climes Spain’s digital nomad visa expected to include tax breaks Taylor Wimpey España launches new Solana Village development Spain’s much-anticipated digital nomad visa, plans for which were first announced in January 2022, is […]
Highlights top 2023 second home trends
Second home trends: Energy efficiency is moving up the agenda for many buyers Larger, flexible spaces will be in hot demand in 2023 Home-based workers and retirees all heading for the Spanish sunshine 2023 will mark 65 years of successful property sales in Spain for Taylor Wimpey España Next year will mark 65 years since […]
Supporting COP27 goals by Building Sustainably
Building Sustainably: COP27 is in full swing, with global leaders seeking the ever more urgent need to effectively tackle the challenge of climate change. Running until 18th November, the event is also serving to focus the minds of businesses around the world on how to operate more sustainably. In the property sector, leading Spanish home builder Taylor […]
“A” Energy certificate rating?
Energy certificate rating: “A” Developers have a huge opportunity to support the sustainable growth of the residential property sector, creating homes with eco-friendly features through thoughtful design and construction processes. But what does it take to achieve an ‘A’ energy certificate rating? Sales and Marketing Director at Taylor Wimpey España, explains that it’s about thinking […]
Foreign property purchases increase by 52.7% in Spain
Property purchases Spain Foreigners accounted for 20.3% of purchases in H1 2022 (General Council of Notaries) Britons are the leading nationality of foreign buyers Brits are particularly drawn to Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca (Taylor Wimpey España) A report into the Spanish property market during the first six months of 2022 has revealed a […]
Where to Stay Warm this Winter: Costa Sol
Pretty properties. Where to Stay Warm this Winter: Check Out the Costa del Sol As the weather turns colder, there are plenty of reasons to look overseas in search of somewhere warmer to spend the winter. Spain is a particularly popular destination both for tourists and for those purchasing second homes to use for frequent […]
Spain golf properties boom on the Coast
Spain golf properties The latest data from Spain’s National Statistics Institute highlights the enduring strength of the golf property market, showing that 22% more mortgage loans were signed in Malaga between January and July 2022, compared to the same period of 2021. Figures from leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España, show that reservations of […]
More golfers take to the fairways in Spain
Golfers Spain: Costa del Sol property market booms as thousands more golfers take to the fairways in Spain Property prices in Malaga province up 8% in last year Taylor Wimpey España reports 38% increase in reservations by Brits Mortgage agreements in Malaga jump 22% in a year Number of golf licences in Spain rose by […]
Costa del Sol property market booms
Costa del Sol property market booms as thousands more golfers take to the fairways in Spain Property prices in Malaga province up 8% in last year Taylor Wimpey España reports 38% increase in reservations by Brits Mortgage agreements in Malaga jump 22% in a year Number of golf licences in Spain rose by 13,166 in 2021 […]
Costa del Sol enjoys golf property boom
Costa del Sol enjoys post-pandemic golf property boom Newly released figures from Spanish real estate specialist Tinsa show that the province of Malaga enjoyed an 8.0% rise in house prices over the past year, as the Costa del Sol’s property market booms. Data from Spain’s National Statistics Institute also speak to the strength of the […]
New Sunny Golf apartments provide frontline fairway views
Apartments with golf views: New Sunny Golf apartments provide frontline fairway views 98.7% of tourists would recommend golfing in the Costa del Sol 79.8% of golfers are employed, rather than retired Southern Spain and golf go hand in hand, particularly as the searing heat of summer gives way to long, comfortably warm autumn days that […]
Taylor Wimpey España launches new golf properties
Taylor Wimpey España launches new golf properties, as ‘Costa del Golf’ delivers income of €775M 7% of tourists would recommend golfing in the Costa del Sol 8% of golfers are employed, rather than retired New Sunny Golf apartments provide frontline fairway views Southern Spain and golf go hand in hand, particularly as the searing heat […]
TWE begins property development at Estepona
Leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España is launching a new range of apartments and penthouses at Estepona Golf in Malaga. Aptly named Sunny Golf, the first phase of the development, which will be completed in June 2024, will include 36 apartments and penthouses, with various layouts encompassing two or three bedrooms, two bathrooms, open […]
A view from Mallorca
A view from Mallorca Taylor Wimpey España are in the property media talking Mallorca. ‘Mallorca’s Palma Airport is gearing up for its busiest ever September. Visitor numbers look set to top those seen in the same month during 2019, which was Mallorca’s busiest September to date, with 3.7 million arrivals.’ ‘The island’s property market is […]
Taylor Wimpey’s Spanish division reports profit margin of 26.7%
Taylor Wimpey España, the Spanish division of the High Wycombe construction company, has reported a strong start to 2022. The firm, which sells second homes in Spain to international buyers, has said that it completed 203 homes between January and June 2022, compared to 84 completions during the same period in 2021. This is an […]
Taylor Wimpey España launches Es Balcó in Ses Salines as Mallorca looks forward to a record-breaking September
Mallorca’s Palma Airport is gearing up for its busiest ever September. Visitor numbers look set to top those seen in the same month during 2019, which was Mallorca’s busiest September to date, with 3.7 million arrivals. The island’s property market is also booming, with foreign buyers playing a major role in it. According to Q2 […]
Where to buy property in Marbella, Spain
From golden visas to the Golden Mile, this Costa del Sol city is glittering with new appeal — buy in from €250,000 Marbella is absolutely mad,” says David Thompson, who has spent hisfi rst summer in the Costa del Sol resort after relocating from Dubaiwith his wife, Carolyn. “The roads are jammed, the beaches packedand […]
Taylor Wimpey España launches Es Balcó in Ses Salines as Mallorca looks forward to a record-breaking September
Tourist arrivals set to beat previous high of September 2019 Balearic property market also booming, with highest average price in Spain, at €3,180/m² Balearic Islands saw 34.66% increase in home sales to foreigners in Q2 2022 (Colegio Registradores) Mallorca’s Palma Airport is gearing up for its busiest ever September. Visitor numbers look set to top […]
Taylor Wimpey España reports 142 percent jump in home completions
Newly release figures show that leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España has delivered a strong performance during the first six months of 2022. The data show that the company completed 203 homes between January and June 2022, compared to 84 completions during the same period in 2021 – an increase of 142% – with an operating […]
New Costa del Sol homes combine the best of Beach and Golf living
Physical and mental wellbeing, relaxation and gastronomy all firmly in visitors’ sights Reservations by Brits up 129% YTD in July at Taylor Wimpey España New Solemar development in Casares Beach combines sea views with easy golf access Visitors to the Costa del Sol are making health and wellbeing, relaxation and local gastronomy their priorities, according […]
Taylor Wimpey’s Spanish division reports profit margin of 26.7%
Taylor Wimpey España, the Spanish division of the High Wycombe construction company, has reported a strong start to 2022. The firm, which sells second homes in Spain to international buyers, has said that it completed 203 homes between January and June 2022, compared to 84 completions during the same period in 2021. This is an […]
Casares new homes: Costa del Sol beach and golf
Casares new homes: Physical and mental wellbeing, relaxation and gastronomy all firmly in visitors’ sights Reservations by Brits up 129% YTD in July at Taylor Wimpey España New Solemar development in Casares Beach combines sea views with easy golf access Visitors to the Costa del Sol are making health and wellbeing, relaxation and local gastronomy […]
Taylor Wimpey’s Spanish division reports profit margin
Profit Taylor Wimpey: Spanish division reports profit margin of 26.7% Taylor Wimpey España, the Spanish division of the High Wycombe construction company, has reported a strong start to 2022. The firm, which sells second homes in Spain to international buyers, has said that it completed 203 homes between January and June 2022, compared to 84 […]
Let’s explore… marvellous Marbella
Explore Marbella Michelin star restaurants rub shoulders with designer boutiques in this glamorous city Marbella provides stunning beaches, world-class golf courses and spectacular local scenery Taylor Wimpey España delivers a versatile range of Marbella second homes Famous for its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife, Marbella is known as a playground for the rich and famous. It […]
It’s show time! What makes a good show home?
Spain Show homes Taylor Wimpey España opens new show apartments in Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol and Mallorca (Spain). Buyers keen to visit developments in person, after restrictions of past 2.5 years Show home visitors asking about everything from customization to inclusion of furniture Leading Spanish home builder Taylor Wimpey España has announced the opening of four new […]
Spain property update: booming Balearics and new Costa Blanca launch
Spain property. Balearic Island visitor numbers up 386% in first 5 months of 2022 Mediterranean Coast property prices up 6.9% Taylor Wimpey España reveals new Bella Beach launch in Denia, Costa Blanca Visitors are returning to Spain in their millions, with popular coastal areas and Spanish islands welcoming travellers back with open arms after the past […]