Inheritance Issues in Spain. Your Questions Answered!

Making a new life in Spain has been the choice of many British immigrants, the warm climate and relaxed way of life offering a more attractive alternative to the rain and indoor lifestyle of the UK.

Inheritance Issues in Spain. Your Questions Answered!

However, any expat who owns property in Spain should make a legally viable Spanish will to ensure that their heirs receive everything to which they are entitled.

Expats need to be fully informed of the following areas:

  • As a foreigner, how do inheritance law issues affect me?
  • How can I legally minimise the amount of tax that my heirs will have to pay?
  • How long will it take to settle my estate?

If you don’t already know the solution to these questions, there is an easy way to find answers, since Perez Legal Group will be holding a friendly and informal seminar and Q&A session in Fuengirola on 28th September.

Following the enormous success of the inheritance seminar held at Mijas Town Hall in May, this event in Fuengirola’s Casa de Cultura will follow a similar format, with a formal presentation offered by Raquel Perez, of Perez Legal Group, followed by a Q&A session, during which free advice on the subject will be offered. Additionally, all participants will be given a copy of Perez Legal Group’s Spanish Legal Property Information booklet.

The experts at Perez Legal Group have years of practical experience in this field and can help people to prepare the necessary paperwork that will ensure beneficiaries pay only the minimum amount of tax and avoid lengthy delays in the settlement of an estate. Perez Legal Group will also undertake annually to update the individuals’ details to ensure that the paperwork is correct and contains only up-to-date information.

Date: Wednesday 28th September 2011
Time: 11:00hrs
Venue: Salón de Actos, Casa de Cultura, Fuengirola

To book your place at this event please contact the Foreigners Department at Fuengirola Townhall on Tel: +34 952 589 010 or email: [email protected]

marbella guide

Source : Marbella Guide