Fira del Fang Pottery Fair

The municipality of Marratxi, an agglomeration of several small villages to the north of Palma has been a hive of activity in the ceramic industry for around 300 years. For the last 30 of those there’s been a big pottery fair and market – The Fira del Fang – held in the area to promote the business.

This year’s, the 30th edition starts on Saturday 8th March until the 16th and will be held in a special marquee erected in the square by the side of the church of Sant Marçal. Here you’ll find 49 artisans exhibiting their wares and demonstrating how they are made, together with around 43 points of sale if something takes your fancy.

Along with some traditionally made and styled pottery and ceramic wares you’ll also find some really up to the minute designs which are both decorative and useful for the kitchen and elsewhere around the house and garden. Whatever you see, it’s all been made by the artisans themselves, as the fair does not allow intermediaries to take part and for this reason draws craftsmen from far and wide as well as Marratxi. This year potters from Barcelona, Asturias, Cuenca, Badajoz and Toledo will be taking part.

If you fancy popping along and you don’t have a car, you can take the train from Palma to Marratxí (Es Figueral) station where special buses have been laid on to transfer people to the fair.

Published 4 March 2014 by Stephen White