Costa Blanca latest
Where Europeans go on vacation, once they leave their country
Many people’s dream vacations involve travel to distant, exotic lands. But the reality is that most people take their holidays close to home. Europeans, for example, tend not to stray very far, generally seeking out the nearest sunny spot at home or in the near abroad. A new survey by the European Commission found that […]
Gigantic Tapas Fest in Palma
There’s an enormous food fest taking place in Palma’s Parc de la Mar recreation area in front of the cathedral on the Balearic Day public holiday on 1st March. Organised by Chefs(in) the association of top chefs from the Balearic Islands, it’s another of their Peccata Minuta events which bring small tapa or pintxo sized […]
A winter boost: airlines look at low season flights to Mallorca
BRITISH airlines Jet2 and Monarch could be giving Mallorca a winter boost. They are considering operating routes to Palma during the winter in a move that would be good news for local businesses hoping to attract low season trade. City mayor Mateu Isern travelled to London to promote the city as an all-year-round holiday destination. […]
Need to renew your British Passport?
Passport applications for Britons resident overseas must now be made via the GOV.UK website All British residents living in Spain must now make their passport applications online at https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports The new passport process, which is part of a worldwide changeover, helps to reduce the possibility of making errors that can delay applications. Applicants will find […]
Construction cogs turn once again as Costa Blanca property market shows signs of recovery
According to official statistics from the College of Technical Architects and Surveyors of Alicante, activity in the construction sector, which suffered a significant slump after reaching record highs during the boom years, has begun to show signs of recovery, returning to levels witnessed at the beginning of the crash in 2008. Indeed Alicante alone ended […]
Palma de Mallorca 365 launches at ME London
Last night saw the Spanish Tourist Office in London and the Tourism Foundation Palma de Mallorca 365 launch a new tourism initiative geared towards making the popular Balearic Island a year-round destination for Brits. Almost 2.5 million Brits visited Mallorca in 2013, a 7.2% year on year increase, however, seasonality is high and it continues […]
Retire to Spain
Tourists and investors throughout the world associate Spain with sun, sand, and sea. Since the dawn of air travel and the package holiday, Spain has been and still is a go-to destination for many people around the globe who wish to soak up the Mediterranean sun. According to Urban Land Institute, European countries with property […]