This summer Mallorca has 39 Blue Flag beaches – eight more than in 2013. This year’s Blue Flag beaches were named in June by the awarding body, the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), in recognition of standards including quality of water, security, environmental conditions and beach installations. The new additions for 2014 are: Oratori, Cala […]
The 39 Beaches
Don’t get caught out by new Spain tax laws
British expats living in Spain will have to be on their toes to keep up with the new Spanish tax rules. There are a number of changes afoot which could trip you up faster than a flamenco dance. These include: · A new double tax treaty · New disclosure rules · New tax allowance bands […]
Spain continues to be the destination of choice with British buyers
Conti, the overseas mortgage specialist has recently reported that the number of enquiries received from British buyers increased by 38% in the second quarter when compared with the same period in 2013. The mortgage brokers also said that over the period of January to June 2014, enquiries increased by a massive 58% compared with the […]
Why invest in Spanish Property ?
Investor Academy, in collaboration with Marbella-based Alta Vista property, have created this recent infographic breaking down the reasons fueling Spain’s current property boom.
Haven’t got the energy? Only 13% of housing in Spain meets new standards for energy certification
According to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism only an estimated 650,000 of all Spanish properties are in compliance with the rules of energy performance certification (CEE). The online platform specialising in energy certification, Certicalia, has reported that this figure only represents 13% of the properties that should have been certified, with the lack […]
Joan Miró :The Thrill of Seeing
A road winds up into the hills above Palma. In the days when Joan Miró lived here, it was covered with nothing but the orange trees and the hot pink wildflowers that cover the Mallorcan countryside. Today, high-rise holiday flats and luxury villas interrupt the view out to the Mediterranean, but nestled amongst the modern […]
First evidence that golden visa is attracting non EU buyers to Spain
US, Chinese and Russian buyers were among the most active foreign buyers in Spain in the first quarter of 2014, according to new data from the General Council of Notaries in Spain. The number of Spanish properties bought by these nationalities increased by 88.9%, 83.1% and 62.6% respectively in the first quarter compared to the […]
Scandinavians swoop in on Spain’s lucrative property market, says Knight Frank
Online searches for properties in Spain increased by 29% over the first three months of 2014 compared to the same period last year, data from Knight Frank’s Global Property Search has revealed. Converting the searches into results, more than a fifth of all Spanish residential sales – 55,187 transactions – were made by foreign buyers. […]
Costa Blanca property is top of the wish list according to leading Spanish property portal
Leading online Spanish property portal‘s latest analysis of the forever popular Spanish property market identifies just where and what foreign buyers are looking for in terms of Spanish second homes.‘s enquiry report analysed enquiries made by email during the first quarter of 2014 showing that between January and June 2014 47% of enquiries […]