A 1.5m Euro facelift for Playa de Palma Majorca

It’s not just Magaluf beach resort that is receiving a facelift here in Mallorca. A proposed one and a half million euros will be spent tidying up the Playa de Palma beach front.

A 1.5m Euro facelift for Playa de Palma Majorca

Local businesses will foot the bill that aims to re-invigorate the beach front and create a brighter more colourful environment. So far €300 000 has been earmarked for the project and the money has been used to provide new uniforms for the workers, replace 1100 chairs and improve the cleaning systems and facilities within the resort.

The idea is to further smarten up the beach front by colour co-ordinating the umbrellas to the 15 different sections of the beach, making the resort look brighter and helping sun-sozzled tourists to find their way home.

At the moment the plan is just to tidy the beach and the beach-font walk way. There are additional plans to regenerate the area, due to start in october 2012 – read our news story Regeneration of Playa de Palma to begin in 2012

Read more: http://www.seemallorca.com/events/news/a-1-5m-euro-facelift-for-playa-de-palma-majorca.html#ixzz1wLsXGOKH

A 1.5m Euro facelift for Playa de Palma Majorca 2

by James Fisher | Video Editor | published: 29th May, 2012