La Vila Paradis - page 19

TaylorWimpey España
makes it easy for you
The best way to find out about our homes inSpain is to visit them.Whether you are looking for a holiday home
or planning to settle, we can help you find your perfect place in the sun.Why not view your new home
on one of our LifestyleVisits*. It is the perfect opportunity to get a feel of the life inSpain.
•Flights from your nearest UK airport • Collection service from the airport inSpain
• Accommodation near to your chosen development • Full presentation of homes
anddevelopment • Time toget acquaintedwith the area • Return trip to the airport inSpain.
* Subject to availability, terms and conditions.
Our British sales team are available
to answer any questions youmay have.
Tel: 08000 121 020
(Freephone UK)
0800 5111551
(Freephone Germany)
+34 971 70 69 72
(Rest of theworld)
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