Talking Torrevieja

BRITISH CONSUL Paul Rodwell met with the new Mayor of Torrevieja to discuss issues relating to UK nationals.


With 12,000 expats living in the municipality, Mayor Eduardo Jorge Dolon Sanchez – in office for just over a month – was keen to meet Mr Rodwell to talk about working together to support expats.

And the Consul underlined his commitment to supporting all Brits living within the area covered by the British Consulate in Alicante but stressed without the co-operation of local authorities; the task would be much harder.
He said: “The Consulate is here to support British nationals, but many still don’t know what services they can get from their local town hall.
“Here in Torrevieja, as with other town halls, there are lots of advantages to being on the ‘padron’, and if anything goes wrong, it enables people to access local support and assistance.”

The Consulate team will be back in Torrevieja on Thursday 8th September for a special event. Similar to the popular ‘open days’ it will focus on welfare and access to healthcare issues.

In collaboration with the town hall, the event will be staged in the Centro Cultural Virgen del Carmen and be open to all British nationals, not just those resident in Torrevieja.

“This event will be a unique opportunity to get all local partners who work with British nationals together – local English-speaking charities, social services, and Consular staff. That way those attending can get all the information they need about living in Spain at the same time.”
More details about the event will be published on