Somewhere for the weekend

A DENIA restaurant is one of the best in the world, and that’s official. Quique Dacosta Restaurant located in Denia’s El Poblet Urbanization ranked 40 in the annual World’s 50 Best Restaurants Awards held in London.

Somewhere for the weekend

The restaurant – the only one from the Costa Blanca on the list – first opened under the name of elPoblet.

Quique Dacosta Restaurant opened in 1981 under the name of elPoblet.
Same name than the urbanization it is located in. Nothing could have foretold then that this place doing Castilian food, would become one of the leaders of world gastronomy twenty years later. Quique Dacosta arrived here in September 1989. He went through every part of the kitchen before taking the direction of the kitchen. Ten years later he owned the restaurant.

Somewhere for the weekend 2

With 2 ** Michelin. National Gastronomy Award for best chef in 2005 and National Gastronomy Prize 2009 for Best Publication. 2 times better cook of the year by The Best of Gastronomy. Best Pastry Chef 2008, Juanfra Valiente. Best Maitre of 2009. Didier Fertilati, among many other references which holds Quique Dacosta, Restaurant.

Organised by Britain’s Restaurant magazine, the World’s 50 Best list is an annual snapshot of the opinions and experiences of over 800 international restaurant industry experts.

On Tuesday Dacosta told EWN: “The recognition goes wholly to my family and the team, which are one and the same. I can’t help thinking about the many chefs not present on the list. I know you should all be there. You’re the best.”

Meanwhile, two out of the top three restaurants are here in Spain.

These are El Celler de Can Roca in Girona (second) and Mugaritz (third) in San Sebastian, Northern Spain. There are five Spanish restaurants on the list including Arzak (eighth) whose Head Chef Elena Arzak was named the World’s Best Female Chef.