
I enlighet med bestämmelserna i rådets förordning (EU) 2016/679 från den 27 april 2016 om skydd för fysiska personer med avseende på behandling av personuppgifter (GDPR): är den ansvarige för att behandla dina datauppgifter Taylor Wimpey.

Dina personuppgifter kommer att behandlas i syfte att kunna kommunicera med dig via e-post i samband med utförda tjänster, kommersiell information eller tjänster som den ansvarige tillhandahållit. För att vi ska kunna behandla dina uppgifter för ovan nämnda syften måste vi inhämta ditt samtycke i förväg genom ett kontrakt eller ett avtal för tillhandahållande av en tjänst.

Dina uppgifter kommer inte att överlämnas till någon tredje part utom i de fall då lag eller förordning så kräver. Uppgifterna kommer att raderas på din begäran eller när den lagstadgade lagringstiden löpt ut.

Den registrerade kan utöva sina rättigheter för att tillträda, korrigera, radera sina personuppgifter samt rätten till dataportabilitet att göra invändningar och rätten att blibortglömd. Om den registrerade anser att sina rättigheter har kränkts kan de också lämna in ett klagomål till den spanska dataskyddsmyndigheten.

För mer information besök: www.taylorwimpeyspain.com eller skicka e-post till [email protected]


Company details 
CIF.: A-07248206
Address: C/Aragón 223-223 A Bajos, 07008, Palma de Mallorca, España
E-mail[email protected]
Telephone: 08000 121 020 (Only from UK).
Official registration number: Tomo 2356; Libro 0; Folio 104; Hoja PM-467; Inscripción 67

Skydd för personuppgifter

Taylor Wimpey de España SA Unipersonal, i överensstämmelse med den Private Data Protection Organic Law 15/1999, den 13 december och med LSSI, (Society Information Services and Electronic Commerce Law) måste informera dig om att alla personuppgifter som du lämnar genom en förfrågan eller inskription kommer att ingå i en datafil, på ansvar av Taylor Wimpey de España SA Unipersonal. De uppgifter som ingår i filen har erhållits direkt av bolaget eller från tillgängliga offentliga källor. Vår målsättning är att hantera förfrågningar och ansökningar som mottagits, samt den eventuella information som du kan få från vårt företag regelbundet i framtiden. Du har rätt att när som helst, ha tillgång till, invändningar, annullering och rättelse av uppgifter, genom att kontakta oss skriftligen på följande adress: C / Aragón 223 A bajos, 07008 Palma de Mallorca (Balearerna).

Om du inte vill få någon ytterligare information, kan du också informera oss skriftligen på ovanstående adress.



The present Legal Terms and Conditions regulates the access, navigation and use of the website  www.taylorwimpeyspain.com (hereinafter, the “Website”).


  1. Information about the owner of the Website

We inform you that this Website belongs to TAYLOR WIMPEY DE ESPAÑA S.A. UNIPERSONAL (hereinafter, the “OWNER”), with Fiscal ID A-07248206 and registered business premises at C/Aragón 223-223 A Bajos, 07008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

The user (hereinafter, the “User”) can contact the Marketing department by using the following e-mail address: [email protected].


  1. Users

Access and/or use of the Website implies the condition of User, and the acceptance, following said access and/or use, of the present Legal Terms and Conditions.

Said access is open and free of charge. Notwithstanding, some services and content provided on the Website by the OWNER, could be subject to prior contracting of a service or product and to the payment of an amount of money in the manner specified therein.


  1. Use of the Website

The User assumes responsibility for the use of the Website. The Website may provide access to a multitude of texts, graphs, drawings, designs, photographs, multimedia content, and information (hereinafter, ”Content”) belonging to the OWNER or to third parties to which the User may have access.

The User undertakes to use the Content and services offered on the Website in an appropriate and, by way of example, but not limitation, to not use them (i) to engage in illicit or illegal activities, or contrary to good faith and public order; (ii) to cause any damage to the physical or virtual systems of the Website holder, its suppliers or third parties, (iii) to introduce or disseminate computer viruses or any other physical or virtual system that may potentially cause the aforementioned damage, (iv) attempt to access, use and/or manipulate the data of the OWNER, third party suppliers and other Users; (v) reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access via any form of public communication, change or modify the Content, unless authorised by the holder of the corresponding rights; (vi) delete, conceal or alter the notes on intellectual or industrial property rights and/or any other data which identifies the rights of the OWNER or third parties incorporated within the Content, as well as any technical measures designed to protect the Content or any information mechanisms that may be inserted into the Content.

The OWNER has the right to investigate and report any of the abovementioned behaviour in accordance with the Law, and also to collaborate with the authorities in any investigation of said activities.


  1. Intellectual property

All intellectual property rights regarding the content of this Website and its graphic design are the exclusive property of the OWNER, or of a third party that has authorised use of the same, and so it is the OWNER that may exclusively exercise the corresponding rights to make use of the same.

Therefore, and by virtue of the provisions of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of the 12th of April, approving the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Law, along with Law 17/2001, of the 7th of December, regarding Trademarks and complementary legislation on intellectual and industrial property, the reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, distribution, public communication, including the modality of making content available, or any other use and/or modification, whether total or partial, of any content included on the Website, without the prior express authorisation of the OWNER, is prohibited.

The OWNER does not grant any licence or authorisation for the use, in any way, of its intellectual and industrial property rights, or over any other property or right related to the Website, services or content of the same.

The legitimacy of the rights of intellectual or industrial property corresponding with content provided by Users is exclusively their responsibility, and as a result the User will guarantee the indemnity of the OWNER with regards to any claim by third parties resulting from illicit use of content on the Website.


  1. Responsibility and Guarantees

The OWNER declares that it has undertaken the necessary measures, within the realm of its capabilities and technological reach, to allow the Website to function correctly, and to ensure it is free from virus and any potentially damaging components. Notwithstanding, the OWNER cannot be held responsible for: (i) continuity and availability of Content and Services; (ii) the absence of errors in said Content or of the correction of any defect that may occur; (iii) the absence of virus and/or any other damaging components; (iv) damages caused by any person that has infiltrated the security systems put in place by the OWNER.

The OWNER may temporarily suspend access to the Website, without prior notice, for the purpose of maintenance, repair, update or improvement. When circumstances allow, however, the OWNER will inform the User, with sufficient notice, of the date planned for the suspension of services.

The OWNER accepts no responsibility for links to other web pages that are to be found on the Website, which may lead the User to other websites over which, the OWNER has no control, therefore the User is exclusively responsible for any content accessed and, in the conditions laid out by the said external web pages.


  1. Hyperlinks

The OWNER is not responsible for how Users may make use of the content from the Website, nor for content from third parties that may appear on the Website. The OWNER does not have the power or human or technical resources to know of, control, or approve all of the information, content, products or services that are provided by third parties, owners of other websites, established on the Website.


  1. Duration and modification

The present Legal Notice is valid indefinitely, with the OWNER able to change the conditions specified in this Legal Notice at any time, which will become effective upon publication.

The OWNER may delete, add or change the content as well as the services provided, along with the manner in which the same appear presented or located on the Website. The conditions published at the time of the User accessing the OWNER’S Website, are understood to be those applicable at that time.

Access and/or use of the Website is deemed to be acceptance of this present Legal Notice and conditions by the User, and, if applicable, any changes made to the same.

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    +34 971 70 69 72